Privacy Policy

The Free Diapers Club is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes Free Diapers Club’s policies and procedures for the collection of personal information by this site and via Free Diapers Club’s notification services, and our use and dissemination of such information. By accessing or using this website, you hereby agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection and use of information as discussed in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to this privacy policy

Free Diapers Club reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time. If Free Diapers Club wishes to materially change this policy, it will publish changes on this website at least 30 days before those changes will take effect. Free Diapers Club will also notify users who are current subscribers to Free Diapers Club’s notification services of such changes to this policy via email. All other changes will be effective immediately upon posting to this website. Your continued use of this website and Free Diapers Club’s notification services after changes to this policy have been posted and/or noticed will be deemed your manifest assent to the new terms. If you do not agree with Free Diapers Club’s privacy policy, you have the option of requesting that we delete your personally identifiable information from our databases.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices of Free Diapers Club, you are invited to contact us at

What personally identifiable information does Free Diapers Club collect and what does Free Diapers Club do with it?

Free Diapers Club explicitly asks if it needs information that specifically identifies you as an individual. For example, if you wish to subscribe to any of our notification services, we ask you to provide your email address. If you provide your email address to Free Diapers Club, we will use it to notify you about new technologies and/or events in your area of interest. We may also use your email address to respond to incoming service requests from you. If you send us correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your use of the Free Diapers Club site, we may collect such information in a file specific to you. We may use this information to respond to your inquiry, modify our services, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and/or enforce our user agreement.

In addition, Free Diapers Club may also collect other information that could by itself uniquely identify you, for administrative and site traffic monitoring purposes. Free Diapers Club logs IP addresses for systems administration purposes, and to assist in determining how often different areas of this website are visited by, e.g., estimating the number of unique visitors to each page of this website. Free Diapers Club may also determine and store the general network locations associated with IP addresses (e.g., the corporate domain name from which the IP address originated), on an aggregated basis, to assist in marketing.

Free Diapers Club may also use cookies to track the use of this website. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies enable us to provide better information to visitors to this website. For example, by showing when and how you and others visit our website, cookies help us to see which pages of the website are popular and which are not. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can disable this function so that your browser will not accept cookies. Please be aware, however, that disabling this function may impact your use and enjoyment of this website.

Free Diapers Club will use your IP address and cookies to determine the popularity of webpages and the popularity of the content of webpages, which helps us estimate general interest in different Free Diapers Club programs and technologies and where that interest arises. Free Diapers Club may use your IP addresses and cookies, together with other users’ IP addresses and cookies, to generally direct its programs and marketing efforts to particular localities, industries, or businesses.

With respect to aggregated information derived from user’s IP addresses and/or cookies, please contact us at for further information regarding how Free Diapers Club can purge your specific IP address, cookie information, and any information derived from your IP address and cookies, if possible. Please be advised, however, that because we do not maintain IP address and cookie information in a way that uniquely identifies you, you may need to provide further information to Free Diapers Club to enable us to purge such information.

Does Free Diapers Club share your personal information with other companies?

Free Diapers Club shares your personal information with partners who assist in services associated with the Free Diapers Club site. Without this relationship, Free Diapers Club could not provide its service to you. However, under their agreements with us, these third-party partners may not retain, share, store, or use your personal information for any secondary purposes. Otherwise, Free Diapers Club does not share your personal information (including both information that specifically identifies you and aggregate or anonymous information based on your IP address) with third parties except when it believes disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a legal obligation, to protect Free Diapers Club and its users or in an emergency where someone’s safety is at risk.